Sunday, February 7, 2010

Less Than One Month Until CHICAGO Dance Marathon!

Hey DMers!  The countdown is officially less than one month until CHICAGO Dance Marathon!  We'll be dedicating the blog this week to lots of tips and tricks to help you with your fundraising.  Remember: each participant is required to raise a minimum of $500.  As part of the team incentive, your individual fundraising requirement moves to $400 when you participate in a group of five or more.  (Click here for more details about team incentives). Although the event is March 6th, the fundraising deadline isn't until April 2nd so there's still plenty of time to rake in the dough!  If you have questions regarding fundraising or just need a bit more clarification, please don't hesitate to email Jess Cole, our recruitment director, at  And don't forget to encourage your friends to sign up!  Register today at!

Start Today! 

Start your fundraising as soon as possible – if you haven’t already, set up your website today! By getting the majority of your fundraising out of the way early on it will take the burden off of your shoulders and let you hit higher goals to help the kids, as well as win excellent fundraising incentives! The more people you contact, the easier it will be to reach your goal. You will be surprised by your results, and your contacts will feel privledged to support your efforts for such a worthy cause.

Just Ask!

Make sure you ask everyone you know for support. Friends, family members, coworkers, doctors, real estate agents, financial advisors, CTA Guard – everybody! Don’t make the mistake of assuming people will not donate – you never know who will be touched by your commitment to helping Children’s Memorial Hospital!

Follow Up.

“It takes the average person 9 times to hear something before they take action.”

It’s natural for people to read your first email and forget about it. Make a follow-up creative by adding stories or pictures– your dedication to your fundraising goals will be apparent, and people are more likely to respond after they’ve heard from you more than once.

Let your donors know why CHICAGO Dance Marathon matters to you! 

Let your supporters know why you are dancing for CHICAGO Dance Marathon and how their contributions will help children at the local hospital. Keep them updated with your progress after they donate so that they’re not only hearing from you before donating – enroll them in your goal! The more connected they feel, the more they will support you.

Be specific.

Don’t limit your donors, but ask for a specific range - $10, $20, $50, or whatever their budget will allow. You can even break down your fundraising minimum per hour, and ask donors to sponsor each hour you dance! You also need to be specific with yourself—set a fundraising goal. What if everyone gave $10? What if everyone gave $20? Set your goal high and reach for the stars!

Give a 10-day deadline for a response.

People respond when there is a sense of urgency. In your email messages, tell people they can simply click the “click here to donate” link to make their donation online quickly and easily, and ask them to do so by a specific date. It will greatly help the call to action, as well as your follow up after that date.

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